Spring cleaning is in full progress.
Term 3 is about to start and Term 2 holidays end today. Time to zip and compress all your beautiful vacation JPEG files and MPEG videos in the back of your cluttered brain and make some space for the enlightenment and education that will follow in Term 3.
Clean the room that you have so spectacularly ignored especially in the grind of the last few weeks with submissions and exam preps going on; get rid of the heaps of paper you have no love for except on the day you need them the most and can't find them; rearrange your clothes that you didn't care about because you covered them with that overcoat/jacket in winter - but clothes you will care about now since its spring and there is no hiding them behind the jacket or hoodie and hit the gym that you paid for and were lazy to walk into most of the time - motivated in no less measure by the 'natural beauty' that now adorns the campus; start looking for jobs frantically even if they don't exist; get panicky about your monetary policy; tighten your fiscal belts after the splurge during your vacations - but - look forward to the race that's about to start...
But the best way to go about this is to update your ipod and load it with a lot of optimistic, sunny songs like the one you see on the right ...
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