Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sunny days

It's so nice to have sunny days again. I could not believe that it was 22C in London today. But one look at the Oxford Circus crowd and you could be forgiven if this was a major holiday or shopping season in progress. I am not a Londoner so I don't know how this part of London is on a usual weekday, but I could sense that summer has truly began, tourists are flocking and the shopping season is on.

When I was stuck in Cranfield during winter I always thought of London being a far away heaven that could not be reached. Of course I then considered myself 'new' in the UK and did not feel like venturing out. But after today I think I want to travel out more.

I had to go the Brazil consulate to apply for my IBE visa. It was so easy. I went on to the London Midlands website, booked an off-peak £9.25 ticket for students for the Virgin train to London Euston. So I board my Uni shuttle at 11.20,reach Central Milton Keynes at before noon, print my online ticket and leave by the 12.19 train. I hop off onto the underground train at Euston, get off at Oxford Circus and reach the consulate. Work done, I grab a couple of sandwiches at Pret-a-Manger ( though I took the Virgin train I am still a student! ), rest a bit on the streetwalk, enjoy the sun, the view, the ladies and get back on the train back to Milton Keynes. I get back by 16.20 and get the Uni shuttle back to the village at 16.30...hassle-free travel indeed.

My only ruse with the Virgin train is that I could not take a nap in it. It takes 30-35 minutes from Euston to Milton Keynes and by the time I had started dozing off, it was Milton Keynes ! Not that the view is boring... in fact the view is beautiful, the lush greenery, homes, cattle, sheep etc etc, but a couple of sandwiches does take its toll and its vacation so... zzz...

I wonder when India will get a Virgin train on its tracks... 10 years? ...
Me thinks India will probably have to hop on to Bullet trains or Maglev... it will have to jump a few iterations of rail technology ... catching up is expensive... adopting newer technology will be easier and sustainable... collaboration with China anyone ?

I was listening to -

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ya. So you started enjoing U.K.stay now.

Harish Sawant